Friday, February 26, 2010

First Fight

This week Camden and Kade had their first fight. I'm sure this is just a sign of what is to come. Let's hope all are as humorous as this one.
I think thier conversation may have gone something like this (If Kade could talk, that is)...
Kade-Hey Sister, Is that the Farmer in the Dell singing book you have?

Kade - Do you mind if I take a look at it?

Camden - Daddy says we have to share. But I'd really prefer that you didn't touch my book.

Camden - Ha, Ha! It's my book now.

Kade - Oh, don't you dare. You had better share that book with me, Camden.

Camden - I don't want to share it with you, Kade.

Kade - ddddddddaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd.....Camden took my book.........


Blair & Tarryn Wilson said...

LOL! I almost cried reading this!

Sharon Hopper said...

Learn in a hurry don't they? One of these days Camden will be protecting him. Right now she can get away with not sharing. Funny kids.