Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Camden Update

I was looking back through past posts and realized that I've done a lot of talking about Kade, but not much about Camden. That is not intentional...but Kade is changing at a much more rapid rate that Camden is. Nonetheless, Camden is doing well and keeping us very busy. I'm exhausted at the end of the day--not because of Kade, but because I'm trying to keep up with Camden.
Camden's newest thing is that she thinks she needs bandaids for any little owie that she may have. She can be walking and run into the couch and thinks she needs a bandaid for that. We have gone through a lot of bandaids in the last week. Here are some of the owies (real or imaginary) that she had today alone!
...on her tummy...

...on her left elbow...

...on her right elbow...

...on Sunny's head...
She even bent a page in one of her books today by accident and thought it needed a bandaid too!! I stopped her before she got that far.
I thought maybe she would be over bandaids after yesterday when she put one on her eyebrow and then cried when she pulled it off. But I guess she didn't learn her lesson!

She has also turned into a little mommy to her dolls. She takes care of them just as I take care of Kade. Here she figured out the Baby Bjorn and put her Cabbage Patch Kid in there.

And now she is burping her baby. She even has a burp cloth on her shoulder and everything!

More pictures!

Both kids are doing great. Kade is growing like crazy. He weighs about 11 pounds at 5 1/2 weeks. We looked back at Camden's baby book and she weighed 11 pounds at 5 1/2 months. So there is definetely a difference between our two children! But Camden did start out 2 full pounds smaller than Kade. We are taking bets on how long it will take for Kade to outweigh Camden. Camden only weighs 22 pounds now so we don't think it will be much more than a year before Kade is her bigger little brother. Here are some new pictures of both kids.
Daddy and Kade are hanging out watching the Hawkeye game together...in their Hawkeye shirts. Something tells me we will have years of this ahead of us!
Camden loves to hold her little brother (with our help, of course!) and give him kisses.

She thinks it's especially funny when he squeezes her hand.

And everything Kade does, Camden has to do too. Kade was laying on his blanket, so Camden had to get her blanket and lay down beside him.
You can see in this picture just how much this little guy is filling out.

Close up :)

Kade loves his tummy time. He is getting very strong and really doing well at lifting his head while he laying on his tummy.

He's not really smiling or cooing yet, but he loves to make his 'oooh' face.

More tummy time!

Daddy is holding both kids. You can't really tell in this picture, but both of them are crying. They always cry at the same time--which makes it nearly impossible to comfort both at once! Instead of taking one of the kids though, I decided to get the camera instead. I think that was a good choice. By the look on his face, Daddy doesn't seem to mind.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

One month old!

Kade is one month old already! And because his one-month birthday fell on the day of the Iowa vs. Iowa State game, he is dressed in Hawkeye gear supporting his team! And the Hawkeyes gave him a win as a gift! Go Hawks!
The first month has gone so quickly. He is a great baby! As you can see by the pictures, he is gaining weight just fine...thanks to eating every 3 hours around the clock! He is eating 4-5 ounces in a feeding which is how much Camden ate when she was 6 months old! Now if we could only convince him that it's okay to go more than 3 hours at night between feedings! He seems to be a very happy baby and rarely fusses (unless he is hungry).
Camden has been adapting very well to being a big sister. She admires her little brother often and always wants to help get diapers and wipes when I change his diaper.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Family pictures

We had newborn pictures taken of Kade and family pictures taken when Kade was just under 2 weeks old. We got the pictures back over the weekend. Here are some of our favorites.

New pictures...finally

I know it's been a while since I've posted any pictures, but life with 2 kids is busy! So here are the long overdue picture updates. Kade is gaining weight like crazy. He is really filling out!
Camden loves to spend time with her brother. Whatever he is doing, she thinks she needs to do too. She also loves to give him hugs and kisses.

Kade got to meet his great grandma for the first time on Friday. Grandma was so proud!
Take a look at Kade's double chin!!