Sunday, January 24, 2010


Kade has a new found love for his jumperoo.

The Zoo

Camden has been asking to go to the zoo since we opened the membership for Christmas (thank you Blair and Tarryn). So after a weekend of being cooped up at home, we thought it was time to get out and see what winter at the zoo is like. We could only see the inside things because of falling branches and ice, but that was okay with us.
It was warm in there, but Camden refused to take off her hat and coat in the beginning.
Camden loves watching the jellyfish (and Kade loves watching Camden)

She was less-than-thrilled to pose for a picture with mommy.
Kade loved the view from the stroller. He was content just looking around and taking in his first of many zoo trips.

We can't wait to go back to the zoo when it warms up a little bit and see all of the outside animals!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 months old

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe how fast 5 months has gone by! Kade is growing up too quickly! He is able to sit up for short periods of time with support of the boppy. He has learned to reach for an object and grasp it. He is especially good at this when it is my necklace or earrings that he is going for.

He puts everything in his mouth and drools all the time! He is now eating cereal and baby food twice each day. He gobbles up an entire container of baby food at each sitting along with cereal.

He has mastered the skill of rolling over both from his belly to his back and his back to his belly with ease. He never stays where you put him!

And he is usually a happy little guy, but he has learned to voice his opinion.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Size 3s

Although there are many similarities between our two kids, there are some very obvious differences. The most obvious is the size difference. Kade has been working hard to pass his sister in weight. Although he is still a few pounds from passing her (proably about 5 pounds away), he has caught up to her in diaper size. They have both been wearing size 3 diapers for a few weeks now.
There are some definite perks to having two children in the same size diapers. It's easier to pack the diaper bag when you only have to make sure you have one kind in there. It's also easier to go diaper shopping.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Two of my good friends from high school, Beth and Jill, along with their husbands and daughters came to Ankeny on Saturday. We all met at a hotel the Rachuts were staying at to take our kids swimming and then went out for supper. Both couples have daughters that are 7 months old. We have quite a crew when we all get together. Here's a picture of all four of our kids before we got in the pool.
Grace, Kade, Camden and Abby
Camden was tired of the pool by this point and was ready to get out.
This was Kade's first time in a swimming pool. He immediately loved it. He kicked and splashed the entire time.
Steve and Abby in the water.
Beth pushing Kade around the pool in the tube.

Christmas through the years

We've taken a picture of Camden in the same Santa hat for the past several years. It just amazes me how much she has changed each year. Here's the series.


Kade's first Santa hat picture - 2009