Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 months old

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe how fast 5 months has gone by! Kade is growing up too quickly! He is able to sit up for short periods of time with support of the boppy. He has learned to reach for an object and grasp it. He is especially good at this when it is my necklace or earrings that he is going for.

He puts everything in his mouth and drools all the time! He is now eating cereal and baby food twice each day. He gobbles up an entire container of baby food at each sitting along with cereal.

He has mastered the skill of rolling over both from his belly to his back and his back to his belly with ease. He never stays where you put him!

And he is usually a happy little guy, but he has learned to voice his opinion.

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