Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kade's 15-Month Stats

Kade had his 15-Month Well Baby visit on Friday. He got a good report from our pediatrician. He's right on track as far as development goes. Apparently one of the milestones around 15 months is learning to throw temper tantrums. He has definitely mastered that!

He is really learning to talk as well. He has quite a few words. The ones that get used most often are 'more' (in reference to food) and 'no' (in reference to everything!). He can also say: mommy, daddy, sunny, hi, naughty and a few others. His favorite things right now are to climb on anything he can reach and mealtime is still a favorite time of his as well. He is a very active little boy and never sits still for more than a minute.

Here are his stats:
Weight: 25 pounds 5 ounces (62nd percentile)
Height: 33 1/2 inches (off the charts!)
Head size: 19 1/2 inches (96th percentile)

He is maintaining percentile for weight, but has really sprouted up in height over the past three months. There's no doubt that he definitely got his daddy's height! With his size and his firey temper, Grandpa King's betting he will be a linebacker!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tree Hunt

On Sunday, we took advantage of the great weather and headed out to our favorite Christmas tree farm, Rettig Tree Farm, to tag our Christmas tree. We had nearly 70 degree weather so it was the perfect day to go tromping around acres and acres of pine trees trying to find the perfect one to grace our living room for a month.
Last year Kade didn't really get to partake in the tree selection process. He spent the entire time asleep in the Baby Bjorn. So this year Camden showed him how it works.

Just like last year, Camden still prefers the tiny trees. We had to steer her towards the bigger ones.

But not THIS big!
Kade seemed to be more interested in playing with sticks than anything else.

Still looking for the perfect tree.

And some time out for a little fun.
We finally found the *perfect* tree. Camden made sure everyone knew it was ours. She marked our tag by drawing a pirate on the back.

Daddy wrote our name and phone number on the front, just in case the pirate picture didn't make it obvious who the tree belongs to.

Here is Daddy and the kids with the winning tree.

Mommy and the kids by our Christmas Tree. Only a few more weeks until we can go chop it down and bring it home!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Favorite Toy

Kade has a favorite toy.
He loves the vacuum.
He will pretend to vacuum for a very long time.
And he gets very angry if you try to take his toy away from him.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

From the Mouth of Camden

Mom: Camden, when did you get tall enough to turn on the light?
Camden: Tomorrow


Kade was drinking Camden's milk. When she realized he had her cup she took it from him and said: "Oh man! Kade drank the cold part all gone. Now it's just warm milk left."


Camden: Where are we?
Dad: In Minnesota
Camden: Yeah. And next we'll be in Mickey-sota


Camden: Mom, can I watch cartoons?
Mom: Not now, Camden.
Camden: But Mom, every time you tell me no it makes me mad.
Mom: I understand, Camden. But Mommy has a reason when she tells you no.
Camden: Mom! I just don't want to talk about it any more.
Mom: Okay, Honey.
Camden: Mom! Don't call me Honey! My name is Camden!


Mom: Oh geez.
Camden: Mom, you can’t say Oh Geez. That’s a naughty word.
Mom: It’s not a naughty word, honey.
Camden: Can I say ‘Oh Geez’ then?
Mom: If you want to, you can.

A few hours later during supper---Camden purposefully drops her fork on the table.
Camden: Oh Geez! Mom said I can say it – it’s not a naughty word.

Mommy laughs and restates the conversation had earlier in the day to Dad. Camden realizes it is funny so keeps saying it over and over. And over. And over!

Daddy: Okay, Camden. That’s enough of that word.
Camden: Why? Mommy said it isn’t a naughty word.
Daddy: You’re right, it isn’t a naughty word. But you’ve said it enough.
Camden: Do I need to save some Geez for tomorrow?

Camden: Grandma are you going to drive?
Grandma: No, your mom is going to drive.
Camden: Why? Are you not good at driving?


Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Things have been really busy around here and I haven't been so good about updating the blog lately. I'm a few weeks behind on this one. Derek had a birthday a couple weeks ago and here's how we helped him celebrate his special day.
Camden helped me wrap his presents the day before his brithday. We rehearsed several times what she would say if Daddy asked her what his presents were. She was instructed to say, "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." She did very well with her secret...until the morning of Daddy's birthday. As Derek was helping her brush her teeth, she said, "Daddy, I want you to open your mug now." Since she had gien away one of the gifts, we let Daddy go ahead and open that one. But we made him wait until after work for the rest of the presents.
Camden helped him open the remaining presents. And by "helping" I mean that she did it for him.
Kade watched intently.
A birthday kiss for Daddy.
It just wouldn't be a birthday without some birthday cake ice cream.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!