Friday, May 21, 2010

9 months

I'm a little late at posting Kade's 9-month pictures. We took them on the day, but I've been so busy that I just haven't had time to get it done. With recovery from surgery and traveling out of state for work for 4 days, I've just fallen behind. But here are the pictures.

We took these pictures on Kade's actual 9-month birthday. So this was one 1 1/2 days post surgery for the little guy. So please excuse the pajamas, but that's what he was most comfortable in.
The ninth month has brought a much more active little man. He now crawls everywhere and pulls up to standing on everything! He constantly has a bump or bruise of some sort and usually it's on his head.

Nothing is safe from this little guy any longer!

He is a mover!

1 comment:

Sharon Hopper said...

Big stuff that boy is.. and so hansom. I bet his is hard to keep up with sometimes huh?