Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Camden Grace

It's hard to believe 3 years has passed since we first met our beautiful little girl. And that sweet little four pound baby has turned in to the joy that we have today.
We had a great celebration for this milestone. It started on Saturday with her birthday party. A post will come soon about that event. And today we went to lunch with Mema, Great-Grandpa Wendt and Great-Aunt Sharon. Then we spent the afternoon at the new waterpark in Ankeny. And we finished off the night with an ice cream run. And in between all of that we did some bike riding, playing in the sandbox and lots of other fun things! Camden had a great birthday!!
As I was putting her in bed tonight, she asked with a very sad tone, "Tomorrow, when I wake up, am I going to be two again?" It was the funniest thing! She thought that since her birthday was over, she was going to go back to being two again.
Happy Birthday Miss Camden Grace. We love you very much!

1 comment:

Sharon Hopper said...

What a girl. She is so sweet. I just loved being able to see the little ones yesterday, what fun I had. Your one lucky girl to have such sweet cute kids.