Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Haircut (x 2) !!!

Both kids were starting to look a little shaggy so we decided it was time for the first real haircut for both of them.  Other than trimming up a rattail, neither one has had a haircut...until now.

Here's Camden's before picture.  The curls do a nice job of hiding the unevenness of her hair.  

 She sat like a big girl in the chair and let the girl cut away.  
 We might have bribed her with some fruit snacks, but it worked!
 Here's the after picture.  Not much change, but it looks nice :-)
 She was so disappointed when we got home and she looked in the mirror.  She said, "Mom, she put curls in my hair.  I didn't want curls in my hair anymore!"  She thought getting her hair cut would make the curls go away and she was really disappointed when they were still there.  
 Kade didn't do so well in the chair.  He didn't want to sit there, he didn't want water sprayed on his head, and he most certainly didn't want anyone fiddling with his hair.
 He pretty much cried through the entire thing!
We even tried to bribe him with fruit snacks, but it didn't work.  He spit them out.  He was not having any of this haircutting business! 
 But we pushed through and got it done anyway.  He looks like such a little man now!  
  As you can see here, it's still pretty long on top (and still red as ever).  It's still growing in so we didn't want to cut it too short.
 Here he is with it combed down.  What a big boy!!

1 comment:

Sharon Hopper said...

O how I remember the first dreaded hair cuts..ugh. But these two did very well by the looks of things. Camden is still a ham. But a cute one. Kade is so the red hair.