Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm not sure how my little baby can be a year and a half old already!  The time has gone way too fast!  

Kade had his 18-month check-up a few weeks ago.  He checked out well!  Here are the stats:
Weight: 26 pounds 7 ounces (51st percentile)
Height: 37 inches (89th percentile)
Head: 17 inches (90th percentile)

 Kade is growing and changing so much every day!  He is constantly surprising us with something new he says.  Lately he's been fighting me taking his coat and hat off when we get home from daycare.  Today I said, "Kade, let's take your coat off."  To which he replied, "No! Coat on!".  I was proud that he was able to put those words together...but not so proud that he was defying me!

And whenever he sees the camera come out, he smiles and says "Cheese." The click of the shutter is promptly followed by the words "me see".  He always wants to see the preview on the camera after he gets his picture taken.

He is very ornery too!  He is constantly pushing Camden, taking a toy away from her or trying to wrestle with her.  I have no worries that this younger child will be able to stand up for himself!  

You can just see the naughty in this cute little face! :-)

1 comment:

Sharon Hopper said...

What a cutie...such defiance in him. What comes around goes around.. hear that old saying? it makes you stop and wonder "whose side did it come from?" Just enjoy it while he is young, later you can try to change him.